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Thank you for your interest in South Hills Homeschool Cooperative.

We are currently only accepting applications in January of each year.


As always, spots are tight; we give preference to families who have at least one grade-school child (1st and above).

We encourage you to look over our core values, statement of faith, and mission statement and fill out an application if you feel led to do so. 

SHHC is a weekly homeschool co-op made up of evangelical, born-again Christian families. Our shared faith is the number one core value that brings us together as a close-knit body of believers, and it allows us to share in like-minded community and education of our students within co-op.  We feel the teaching of children is a sacred calling, and as conservative Christian homeschoolers, we choose to be guarded with who takes part in that education.  In holding to this standard, we are not an open-faith co-op, and all applying members are asked to complete the personal testimony section of our application, and attend an informal interview to share about your faith in Jesus Christ, and affirm that your personal and public confession of faith as a born-again Christian is in line with the evangelical beliefs of our community.



All families commit to co-op for one full school year.  We do not accept families mid-year; and because all parents are involved in teaching, we rely heavily on one another.  We ask that you consider carefully before applying to ensure that you can fulfill this 1-year commitment.



We are a cooperative in the truest sense! In other words, all parents teach each trimester.  After acceptance into co-op, you will be asked to offer in writing 3 classes you’d be willing to teach (every single member does the same, yearly).  We offer classes from Preschool through 12th grade, and they are typically small (less than 10 students).  We offer support to all families, especially those new to co-op to find areas where you can be plugged in to fill a need, and not stress too much over the teaching commitment.  We offer a very wide variety of academic and enrichment choices, and we encourage parents to come with whatever gifts, passions, and interests they have, plus a heart to serve.  We offer kitchen classes, handicrafts, unit studies, many arts, plus academics.  We also have teaching needs in our nursery, toddler, and preschool rooms. However, if you find the idea of a weekly teaching commitment to be overwhelming, our co-op may not be a good fit for you.



Co-op runs weekly from late September to mid May.

We have 3 trimesters: Fall, Winter and Spring.  Each trimester is 8 weeks.

There are breaks spread throughout the co-op year. 

We do not meet from Thanksgiving through New Year’s.  There are between-trimester breaks and mid-trimester breaks.

We meet in McMurray PA on Fridays from 9am-12:30.  There are three 1-hour class periods.



Tuition is $100 per trimester, per family, regardless of size.  
In addition, class fees are attached to individual classes and vary.

Each trimester, parents receive lead-teaching credit of $30 for every class they teach.


Each parent lead teaches one period, aides one period and is free one period. Most parents teach every trimester. Families who join after classes have been determined will serve in an aide capacity for both service periods.


*Please understand we do give preference to families who have at least one school age child (1st grade and higher).

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